Tag:new features

New features to help you tailor your journal's peer review and publishing process, including: reviewer tags, Digital Object Identifier metadata, and custom journal subdomains.

Some great updates to Scholastica's article submission form just in time for law review submission season.

We've rebuilt publishing from the ground up to make it even more efficient for your journal, with new functionality and an improved design.

Scholastica co-founder Rob Walsh shares the benefits of Scholastica's new journal dashboard and a bit about how passionate we are about implementing incremental improvements.

Scholastica has integrated with electronic pre-print repository arXiv. Now journals in fields supported by arXiv can choose to allow authors to import their submissions via arXiv links.

Scholastica manuscript decisions just got revamped. Now decision making is a simple 3-step process, including functionality for editors to edit referee comments.

The Todo Dashboard is a collection of your journal's to-dos across all manuscripts. You can drill down into just the tasks assigned to you, or just the tasks you've assigned to others.

Here's the latest on how Scholastica is making your user-experience even better.

New features to empower editors to keep peer review moving forward including, the ability to accept and submit reviews on behalf of reviewers, and advanced manuscript search.

We've hit the ground running this year - deploying a long list of improvements and new features to make the gantlet of scholarly publishing more streamlined and less stressful.