We're excited to announce that Scholastica's Peer Review System now includes the option to integrate with the latest version of Crossref's Similarity Check plagiarism detection service (powered by iThenticate V2). Read on for the full details!
Technical Editorial Associate at Scholastica, Garrett Wright, shares the latest on how our digital-first production service is helping journals save time and costs by cutting manuscript formatting steps and combining automation with human quality assurance.
Archiving and indexing articles is paramount to expanding the reputation and reach of scholarly journals — but it's not always easy. Learn about the latest ways Scholastica is helping journals reach their archiving and indexing goals with less manual work and fewer technical headaches.
In this interview, Scholastica CTO and Co-Founder Cory Schires discusses the development of Scholastica's single-source production service, how it differs from other XML-based workflows, and why we're working to optimize the production process for both humans and machines.
In this post, we go behind the scenes of Scholastica's digital-first production service, which takes the legwork out of formatting articles by using advanced software to generate PDF, HTML, and full-text XML article files simultaneously.
At Scholastica, we prioritize user experience in the development of our journal peer review, production, and Open Access hosting solutions above all else. Check out our latest round of software design improvements.
Journals using Scholastica's Production Service now have the option to set up automatic article deposits to PubMed Central. Scholastica's new PMC integration makes it possible to speed up article indexing in not only PMC but also the PubMed search engine. Read on for the full details!
In this post, we break down five areas of journal production where Scholastica is introducing smart automation to help publishers get the article file types they need faster while saving time and costs.
Publishers using Scholastica's peer review system for their journals now have the option to integrate with Copyright Clearance Center's RightsLink for Scientific Communications workflow solution to more easily manage Open Access publication charges. Read on for the full details.
This month, we've introduced some exciting improvements to Scholastica's peer review software as well as customer support across products. Read on for the full details!