Tag:Crossref DOI registration integration

We're excited to announce ROR institutional identifier support for Scholastica's peer review system, production service, and open access publishing platform, making Scholastica one of the first journal software providers to integrate with ROR. Get the details!

We're excited to announce that Scholastica's Peer Review System now includes the option to integrate with the latest version of Crossref's Similarity Check plagiarism detection service (powered by iThenticate V2). Read on for the full details!

What is the role of Crossref content registration in journal discovery? Scholastica and Crossref dig into how making rich machine-readable metadata deposits to Crossref can help publishers greatly expand the potential reach and impacts of their articles in this free on-demand webinar.

Now journals using Scholastica for open access publishing can set up automated Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registration and machine-readable metadata deposits via Crossref. Read on for the full details!