Tag:article typesetting

At Scholastica, we believe all journals should be able to have rich machine-readable metadata without technical hassles or manual work. So, we automate metadata creation for journals using our peer review system, digital-first article production service, and OA hosting platform. In this blog post, we overview the role of metadata in article discovery and our latest metadata features and support.

Welcome to the first post in the #AskScholastica blog series, where Scholastica's team answers questions about digital journal publishing best practices! We're starting with the FAQ: What are the benefits of producing journal articles in full-text XML, and should we start?

Are you looking to reduce coordination costs between your peer review and production teams this year? This blog post covers tips from the Scholastica Production Service team to help keep everyone in sync (whether handling everything in-house or working with an external vendor).

In this post, we go behind the scenes of Scholastica's digital-first production service, which takes the legwork out of formatting articles by using advanced software to generate PDF, HTML, and full-text XML article files simultaneously.

In this post, we break down five areas of journal production where Scholastica is introducing smart automation to help publishers get the article file types they need faster while saving time and costs.

This month we've made some exciting updates to Scholastica's open access publishing platform, production service, and peer review software. Now journals have the ability to set a default Creative Commons copyright license for all articles published using Scholastica, add author notes to typesetting requests, and more.

In the past few weeks, we've introduced some exciting updates to Scholastica's production service to better serve the needs of journals across disciplines. We're making it easier for editors to submit articles for production, giving journals new options for styling their PDF articles, and more.