Tag:machine-readable metadata

At Scholastica, we believe all journals should be able to have rich machine-readable metadata without technical hassles or manual work. So, we automate metadata creation for journals using our peer review system, digital-first article production service, and OA hosting platform. In this blog post, we overview the role of metadata in article discovery and our latest metadata features and support.

Welcome to the first post in the #AskScholastica blog series, where Scholastica's team answers questions about digital journal publishing best practices! We're starting with the FAQ: What are the benefits of producing journal articles in full-text XML, and should we start?

Are you looking to reduce coordination costs between your peer review and production teams this year? This blog post covers tips from the Scholastica Production Service team to help keep everyone in sync (whether handling everything in-house or working with an external vendor).

Once Persistent Identifiers a.k.a. PIDs are born, they take on a whole new, and still somewhat secret, life of their own. This blog post covers the what, why, and how of PIDs and key ways journals and scholars can implement them to foster uptake across the research ecosystem and further their publishing goals.

In this post, we go behind the scenes of Scholastica's digital-first production service, which takes the legwork out of formatting articles by using advanced software to generate PDF, HTML, and full-text XML article files simultaneously.

How can scholarly publishers support metadata enrichment and dissemination starting at peer review to help link the many facets of scholars' identities online? We explored this question during Scholastica's recent Peer Review Week webinar.

How can journals get closer to having rich metadata and ultimately more discoverable articles? This blog post overviews five machine-readable metadata elements most commonly requested by scholarly communication stakeholders across disciplines that publishers should prioritize.

What steps should scholarly publishers be taking to promote better travel routes and rules of the road for research metadata and data sharing to support discovery, assessment, and reuse, and what are the possibilities? Here are some key takeaways from the 2021 NISO Plus conference.

Jabin White, Vice President of Content Management for JSTOR and Portico, shares his thoughts on how metadata quality can be improved across academia, and how publishers can move from basic metadata concepts to creating enhanced metadata.

Metadata 2020's chief coordinator Laura Paglione discusses how the initiative got started and the stakeholders involved. The goal of Metadata 2020 is to understand how metadata is being used throughout the research lifecycle and to develop recommendations for improvement.