Scholastica Blog

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Peer Reviewed JournalsReady for new peer review software? Kickstart your migration

Ready for new peer review software? Kickstart your migration

Are you ready to move to a new journal peer review management system? This blog post outlines a 21-day migration planning kick-start challenge to help motivate your team with a new free Peer Review System Migration Toolkit, including a handbook guide and checklist.

April 08, 2024
Law ReviewsWhy you should give authors regular article selection updates and how

Why you should give authors regular article selection updates and how

Is your law review updating authors about where you are in your article selection cycle? If not, it's time to start! Here are the main article selection updates you should be communicating.

January 31, 2024
Innovations In Academia#AskScholastica: Importing manuscripts from an old peer review system into a new one

#AskScholastica: Importing manuscripts from an old peer review system into a new one

We're continuing our #AskScholastica blog series with a question we frequently hear from journal publishers and editors — Should we import past and pending manuscripts from our old peer review system into our new one? Here's the scoop.

March 18, 2024
New FeaturesBehind the build: the making of Scholastica's new Manuscripts Table

Behind the build: the making of Scholastica's new Manuscripts Table

Scholastica Co-Founder and Lead Designer Rob Walsh reflects on the team's approach to developing a new and improved Manuscripts Table for the Scholastica Peer Review System and his thoughts on supporting the growing scholarly communication ecosystem.

February 14, 2024