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Universities Put Law School MOOCs on Trial

MOOCs are catching on fast in higher ed and even making there way into law schools, giving students and professors a chance to test alternatives to traditional Socratic-method based lectures.

Law Reviews and Demographic Information: The Facts

There are some law reviews who allow authors to submit optional demographic information when submitting articles. Here's how optional demographic information works on Scholastica.

Press Release: Scholastica Launches Improved Submissions Process  for Legal Scholars

Scholastica has launched an all-new law review submission process to help legal scholars identify which law reviews are best-suited for their article.

6 Specific Ways Scholastica Helps Legal Scholarship

Scholastica is proud to work with numerous law journals. Here are some ways we think Scholastica can help make the legal publishing process better.

ExpressO under attack?

At Scholastica, of course, we've been following these discussions closely. There's been a lot of speculation. Most of the discussion boils down to a few questions/concerns