Have a question about a technical journal publishing standard or recommendation? Submit it via this form or post your query on social media with #AskScholastica, and we’ll do our best to answer!

The scholarly communication landscape is changing fast, and that can raise many technical questions for journal editors and publishers.

At Scholastica, our customers frequently reach out to our team about digital journal publishing best practices and standards — from how to maintain clean peer review system data to what article file formats they need to produce to when to submit applications for inclusion in archiving and indexing databases like PubMed Central and everything in between.

It got us thinking that rather than just sending one-off answers to those queries, we could help the wider scholarly publishing community by making them publicly available and inviting anyone interested to send us their technical questions. So that’s what we’ve decided to do by launching a new #AskScholastica blog series!

How the #AskScholastica series works

Wikimedia Commons: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz book illustration

First, a quick disclaimer: As in the Land of Oz — there is no all-knowing wizard at Scholastica. So, we can’t guarantee that we’ll have answers to every question we get.

However, we do have a super-savvy team constantly working to stay at the forefront of the latest technical publishing requirements and recommendations. That equates to a lot of relevant industry knowledge that we can contribute (and we’re always keen to explore emerging innovation areas and share our learnings!).

That said, we’ll review all questions submitted for the #AskScholastica series and respond to those we can best answer internally or with the help of our industry partners. To answer as many FAQs as possible, we’ll prioritize those that are broadly applicable, and we may combine similar questions.

Another disclaimer: Technical publishing procedures can vary by publisher and software provider. So, you should always consult your internal and external partners to see if they have specific procedures/specifications pertaining to your inquiry.

Finally, a quick note for scholars: The #AskScholastica series is focused on technical journal management questions from the perspectives of editors and publishers. If you have a question as an author or reviewer, we highly recommend you take advantage of the Association of University Presses’ “Ask UP” website. There, AU members answer inquiries about the publishing process from scholars and the broader public.

Send us your questions!

You can send in questions to be considered for the new #AskScholastica blog series via:

We look forward to hearing your questions and helping to provide answers!

You can read the first post in the #AskScholastica blog series answering the question, “What are the benefits of producing journal articles in full-text XML, and should we start?” here.

Definitive Guide to Publishing