I'm interested in:
The ACA, An Indirect Violation of the Origination Clause?: Interview with Tessa Dysart

An article published in Cornell Journal of Law & Public Policy presents a novel perspective on the fairness of the ACA by focusing on whether the passing of the bill was constitutional.

Capturing Admissible Online Evidence: Introducing Page Vault

Jeffrey Eschbach is helping lawyers quickly gather useable digital evidence in his role as CEO of Page Vault.

A New Kind of Law School Casebook: Interview with Joanna Sax

A casebook publisher for the digital age, ChartaCourse offers customizable digital concept charts that contain all the information found in traditional casebooks.

Sourcehunts and Interlibrary Loan Materials: One Library's Best Practice

Biddle Law Library at the University of Pennsylvania decided many years ago that there had to be a better way to handle sourcehunts for law reviews.

Editors Share Why They Love Managing Law Review Submissions on Scholastica

Law review editors share how Scholastica is helping their journal more easily manage all aspects of the article selection process.

5 To-dos for Your Law Review Submission Season Checklist

As your editorial board hurries to make article selections, are you checking off everything you need to on your to-do list? Look out for these 5 items.

What do you know about specialty law reviews?: Interview with Cory Baker

Are you an author crafting your law review submission strategy, and still wondering whether or not you should submit to a specialty law journal? Here are the benefits.

Professor James Dwyer Shares His Thoughts on the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

Many LGBT activists anticipated Americans divided response to the SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision and some fear it could undermine the momentum of the LGBT Movement.

Expanding legal scholarship: ways to consider and improve your law review's online supplement

See what law review editors have to say about the role their online components play within legal academia.

Law review advice from a former editor and current legal scholar

Professor Ozan Varol shares some nuggets of wisdom from his time as a law review editor and what he's learned as an author.