Tag:academic journal

While a reputation for publishing high-quality content will always be the number one way for journals to set themselves apart in the eyes of authors and readers, regular promotion is becoming paramount to building and retaining a following. In this blog post, we break down why and steps to get started.

How much do you know about your online journal readership? If you're not yet tracking publishing analytics, it may not be as much as you think. In this blog post, we're rounding up three analytics areas all journal teams should be assessing and why.

In this new edition of Academic Journal Management Best Practices: Tales from the Trenches, we round up tips from seasoned publications managers and editors on how to optimize your editorial workflows, attract more quality submissions, and make strategic plans to further your journal goals.

During the 2017 LPForum Scholastica presented ways libraries can facilitate the democratization of academic journals beyond library publishing programs. Here's a recap.

How can scholars receive recognition for their review contributions at different journals regardless of the openness of the review? ORCID, CASRAI & F1000 Working Group propose a plan.

Many scholarly journals have begun tracking journal performance metrics to get a granular view of their peer review processes.

Anita Harris managing editor of SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism shares tips to write constructive rejections that authors may actually appreciate

How has and how will the overload of digital information impact the way that scholars look to absorb, disseminate, and assess new knowledge in journals and beyond?

Libraries are shifting to be not only keepers of scholarship but also participants in content creation, by supporting journal publishing, disseminating data from digital repositories, and more.

Here's the top news in academia this month in open access, academic publishing, higher education, and more.